Sunday, November 23, 2008


Graciosa is known as the white island but it is also known for their windmills. The island was known for their unique windmills and still is. On the island there are at least 3 windmills or more in each village. Most are not in working condition now but there is one that is still in perfect condition where tourists may go and see how they work. Many of the windmills have been restored and have been built into homes. Across the street from my home a couple own one and have made it into their summer home. The windmills are big enough to make into a home, if you notice the style of this windmill and windmills on other islands they are very different in their own ways.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Dad returning from Azores

Tomorrow my dad will be returning from his homeland, Graciosa. As i spoke to him I could tell in the tone of his voice that he did not want to return. He does miss us but he has the same fellings as i have had in the past, sadness. I can relate to what he is feeling and why he is sad, he wants to stay in this place where we feel is a paradise. I am happy that he is returning and I will be there to pick him up and be able to smell the scent of the island which may seem weird but when returning from the islands you always bring this scent on your clothes. I can't wait to pick him up and talk about his trip.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Termas do Carapacho

As you can see in this photo, you may see a building in the distance. This is a natural spa. It is not just a ordinary spa but a healing spa. The water is heated from the formant volcano on the island. This water comes from miles away. How the water reaches this place has always been a mystery. Doctors reccomend people with physical problems to take this baths. This past summer (2008) I actually experienced it. I had some pain in my lower back and i actually took these natural water baths for 9 days in a row and my back has never been the same, meaning that the pain has never reaccurred. The island is a place of natural beauty and history that should be experienced. I also want to remind people if there are any questions please feel free to ask. ttyl

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Whale Made of Stone

Hey there, here's a picture of something that is very rare to see. If you look at the picture carefully you will notice that there is a large rock in the water. This rock has the formation of a whale, please look at carefully. This is a bit ironic because the Azores is known for their sea life, whales being one of them. On a bright sunny day, the suns rays bounce off the water and you can see how clear and clean the water is and how the rock formation glows in the water. If you click on the link you can see more pictures similar to these. Take a gander!!!!

For educational purposes only!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My Dad in Graciosa

Hey there, just wanted to stop by and let ya know that the island i adore so much is being visited by my father. He went over to help my grandparents through some tough times. Hopefully i will be able to go this winter to help out because i feel i should and because i miss my second home. Well talk to you guys soon.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

My Parents Hometown-LUZ

Hey there, been a while....just wanted to share some thoughts. My parents as I said are from Graciosa, Azores but I never said what part. They are actually from a little town called LUZ which in engligh means light. Over the years I have always stayed there in this little and quiet town. I have to say that it is very nice. Everyone knows everyone else and theres always someone that says hello. People are very friendly and will help you in any way possible. When i was a kid i would go out and play with freinds that I actually made there. If you ever think of going to this island and want to stay somewhere, LUZ is the place to stay with a natural swimming area, church, supermarket, and a great place for fishing. I want to share what I have experienced with others so that this heaven is known. Well ttyl when I discuss and post a pic of Carapacho, what that? Well you better come back soon....ltz

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Intro of Azores and ME

The Azores are nine islands of the coast of Portugal. The name of all nine islands are Santa Maria, Sao Miguel, Terceira, Graciosa, Flores, Pico, Sao Jorge, Faial, and Corvo. All of the islands are similar but have their differences as well. Some islands have set names for themselves such as Terceira as the bull fighting island and Sao Jorge as the island of cheese. Each island has their own piece of history. I have traveled to Terceira, Graciosa, and Sao Miguel. I would love and will travel to all the other islands. I want to taste a little of each island and see what each is all about. Out of the islands I enjoy the best is Graciosa. I say this why? Even though my parents are from there does not mean I have to love it but the thing is I do. The past 5 years I have gone their every year. I enjoy spending time there becuase when I am there my lifestyle changes. It is a paradise to me but for my family and friends as well. If you would like to learn more about the islands of their history and culture visit this website.

Map of Azores

Hey there, just thought it would be useful to actually see where the Azores is. So here is a map of the Azores which was found on
This map will show where and how the islands are arranged. As you can see they are in a location of peace in the middle of the ocean. I will post some of my own images of the islands I have visited in the future.

For educational purposes only