Sunday, October 12, 2008

My Parents Hometown-LUZ

Hey there, been a while....just wanted to share some thoughts. My parents as I said are from Graciosa, Azores but I never said what part. They are actually from a little town called LUZ which in engligh means light. Over the years I have always stayed there in this little and quiet town. I have to say that it is very nice. Everyone knows everyone else and theres always someone that says hello. People are very friendly and will help you in any way possible. When i was a kid i would go out and play with freinds that I actually made there. If you ever think of going to this island and want to stay somewhere, LUZ is the place to stay with a natural swimming area, church, supermarket, and a great place for fishing. I want to share what I have experienced with others so that this heaven is known. Well ttyl when I discuss and post a pic of Carapacho, what that? Well you better come back soon....ltz